This lazy Sunday, in my quest to keep my closet looking chic and minimalistic (and of course to make room for more stuff :P), I spent most of my time cleaning out all the accumulated crap residing in a heap of old shoeboxes. In one of those boxes I found a tin that I had crammed a whole heap of letters and notes that friends had written to me in high school and sticky taped shut, a sort of time capsule if you will. As soon as I snipped open the tape a few of them sprung out as if imitating a jack-in-the-box.
Some of the letters were good, others not so much, but most just made me laugh and contained gossip about what we did on the weekend, how annoying our teachers were, the boys we liked and how much we appreciated each others' friendship. There was even one from my (still!) boyfriend- I decided to keep that one :)
It's funny how easy life seemed to be when we were younger, the things we worried about, the things we thought were cool (in one of the letters my friend wrote every single letter 'a' as an '@' symbol!). After reading them all they were thoughtfully disposed of so our secrets remain so.
What's the best thing you've found whilst doing a major cleanup?

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
This is Hay St. This is not what Hay St usually looks like. This is all the fault of Apple Inc.
The iPad 2 hit Australia officially at 5pm today (which, of course, meant that people were queueing up from at least 7am) causing the area surrounding the Perth Apple Retail Store to resemble a bit of a circus. The snapshot above isn't even the first line outside the store- it's the second line that ran along Central Park (and I'm guessing rounded the corner down William St). Now, I don't own an iPad so maybe I just don't know how amazing they are, but is it really so important to be among the first to get one? Especially when it means waiting in line for an entire day. I'm also curious about why this was happening on a Friday afternoon instead of a Saturday morning like with the iPhone 4 launch (I work across the road, it was quite a spectacle).
Personally I love Apple products, they have a great aesthetic about them and my Apple family is slowly growing. My first was the 2nd gen iPod Nano which still serves me well (mainly connected to speakers in my bathroom) I'm amazed that it still works after being dropped on the tiles so many times! Then there was my 2nd gen iPod touch, which sadly is no longer with us after I failed to screw the lid onto my water bottle properly before putting it in my bag (I'd had it for approximately one month, oops!). My boyfriend took pity on me after I had become addicted to the amazing invention that is The App (Angry Birds of course) and I received his iPhone 3G as a hand-me-down. I broke that also, but after more than a month. After that the only way was up- to the iPhone 4. The most recent addition to my family occurred earlier this month when I decided to make the switch from PC and purchased myself a 27" iMac. This means I've given up laptop life and now spend a lot of my time in my room at my desk, so who knows maybe I will be drawn to the iPad one day. But will I ever wait for hours in order to get one? No thanks, I like my beauty sleep :)
I Got My Suffix!
No, I haven't joined a convent...
Last night I donned a very Harry Potter-esque robe and officially graduated from UWA (Bachelor of Commerce with Majors in Corporate Finance and Financial Accounting and a Minor in Business Law). I always feel a little smart saying that haha. I am also proud to announce that I managed to walk the stage and back to my seat without tripping in my heels :) Although parts of the ceremony were a bit long winded, some of the speeches were really nice and profound (I know that sounds kind of dorky) and it was fun seeing the different academic garb that our lecturers chose. But most of all it was just good to celebrate the fact that I made it through 3 years, 6 semesters, 25 units (I had to repeat one, whoops!) and about a million assessments and exams all in one piece and managed to make some great friends and memories along the way. The only downside was that our graduating class was split in half and since most of my friends have last names in the first half of the alphabet, we didn't get to graduate on the same night. And that we didn't get hats since the university goes by the old school graduation dress system. At least the food was good :)
Love, Rachel Willis [BComm.] :D
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Another year, another cake and a bucketload of love.
Thursday night I celebrated my birthday with dinner with friends and family at local Italian restaurant Oscar's. Nothing beats good food, good (cheap) wine, good cake and good company :)
I'm still munching my way through the leftover cake! #glutton
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Willy nilly lily
Before my man took me out to dinner on Saturday, I caught him hiding something in the spare room but was thoroughly warned: "Rachel, if I catch you peeking in there I am going to cut off your pinkie toe!"
Turned out it was a bunch of white lilies (probably a good thing I decided not to sacrifice my toe). Anyway, they have finally started to open and look so beautiful. They also make our kitchen smell amazing :)
Turned out it was a bunch of white lilies (probably a good thing I decided not to sacrifice my toe). Anyway, they have finally started to open and look so beautiful. They also make our kitchen smell amazing :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What's in a name?
This is my story:
I got the nick 'Racheena' in year 12 after one of my friends just thought it up one day and used it. I really liked it because I had always wanted a more unique nickname rather than the usual 'Rach' or 'Rachie' (even though some of my friends call me those, I don't mind). So I began using it, starting with my leavers' jumper and consequently as a login for websites I joined and most recently, this blog.
For my birthday, I received two personalised presents from my man: a number plate and a camera strap. The glossy, black plate compliments my new car perfectly and my leopard-print camera strap is so nice and fluffy and comfortable on my neck thanks to its 'mink' lining :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Twenty One and Music of the Future.
Yesterday marked my twenty-first birthday which also happened to fall on the day of Future Music Festival '11 so I got to spend the day with friends and good music (and get a slight tan in the process). The only thing I despise about music festivals is the fact that mobile phone reception is basically nonexistant (although we happened to find a sweet spot by the first aid tent and one of my friends exclaimed "if you go into the toilets as soon as you shut the door DING DING all your messages come through!") so this meant we also spent a lot of time trying to find each other after we got separated a few times.
We bumped into a lot of other friends and family and it seemed like half of Perth was crammed into Joondalup Arena (well, at least 40 odd thousand). And after getting crushed in Ke$ha's epic mosh-pit-of-death we decided to just stick to the back end of the crowds around the stages where we had more room to groove. All in all I had quite an enjoyable day :)
We bumped into a lot of other friends and family and it seemed like half of Perth was crammed into Joondalup Arena (well, at least 40 odd thousand). And after getting crushed in Ke$ha's epic mosh-pit-of-death we decided to just stick to the back end of the crowds around the stages where we had more room to groove. All in all I had quite an enjoyable day :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
My big mac.
So today I had quite a few errands to run; dropping my car off to get tinted, having to catch public transport, two lots of banking, post office enquiries etc. But the highlight was definitely picking up my new 27" iMac -even though I did have to drive all the way to Welshpool (I live extremely NOR/South Geraldton). This subsequently also resulted in a pit stop at my fave decor megastore IKEA so I could get a nice comfy armchair since I will probably spend an obscene amount of time parked in front of my new toy.
This marks my switch from PC to Mac and I must say I'm not finding it extremely difficult, but for certain Windows shortcuts that I have become used to it's taking a little adjustment time.
This marks my switch from PC to Mac and I must say I'm not finding it extremely difficult, but for certain Windows shortcuts that I have become used to it's taking a little adjustment time.
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