Someone pointed out to me last Friday night that I hadn't done a blog post in over a month (Brad, in case you're reading this! haha) and after that I was planning on doing a "my-life-according-to-Instagram" type post, but I was too lazy to even do that over the weekend.
The reason I haven't been active on here lately is due to work and my dreaded first CA exam tomorrow morning. I've had the past week off on study/procrastination leave and haven't really been able to concentrate on much else.
I agreed to be a model for a little hair show today and was plaited, crimped and teased up like Scary Spice. Of course I couldn't let it all go to waste and took some happy snaps when I got home (more goodies below). I actually had a nice relaxing day today and haven't really thought about tomorrow's exam much, which I think is good otherwise I probably would have made myself sick.
Usually right now (night before an exam) I'd be cramming and preparing notes to put under my pillow in the hope that the knowledge will float through and imbed itself in my dreams (or perhaps cause some unwanted nightmares!) However, I think writing this post is a much better way of spending my time :)
I think I've come to terms with the fact, if it al goes downhill tomorrow then I only have myself to blame for procrastinating during the week, and that failing something is not the end of the world...
... there's always the supplementary ;)