Spent the week away down south for work. We were out at a mine site near Collie and staying in Bunbury, so always started the day with a 40-odd minute chilly drive out to the site. Driving back to Bunbury from work one day there was this AMAZING view over a clearing we could see rolling hills and the sun was just beaming epically through the clouds. I'm still kicking myself for leaving my camera at the hotel that day :( Anyway, I actually had a better time than I thought I would and am semi looking forward to coming back in 3 weeks!

Friday, May 27, 2011
All kids grow up.
Not really in the right frame of mind from crafting well-worded blog posts, so here are two quickies.
Last weekend my man celebrated his 21st bday. My night was made by catching up with friends, a conveniently located fridge stocked with UDLs and a killer d-floor. Boys cuddled. We had a good night. And morning. And the next day I was off to Collie.
Friday, May 20, 2011
I Said BRRRRR! It's Cold In Here!
I have no idea what changed, but the weather has suddenly decided to go from reasonable to torrential! I've been working at the domestic airport this week and the rain has certainly made the drive there and back a mild nightmare.
On the upside, my first pay came through last night so I went on a bit of a splurge after work. Picked up a gorgeous navy coat/jacket from Dotti (the fur hood is removable, so it's completely work appropriate) it's so snug and cozy, perfect for the sudden drop in temperature we've experienced lately. And when cute slippers go on sale ($6.87!) I can never resist :) The scarab beetle ring came as part of my latest ASOS order, I love it and my statement ring collection is beginning to grow nicely- currently coveting Paloma's Marrakesh Ring in gold *drools*
In other news, I'm being sent to Collie for work next week and I've never been. Anyone else been? Hopefully I don't have to work horrendous hours and can take a few snaps for show and tell.
I hope everyone is keeping nice and toasty warm. I know I will be snuggled under the doona for a good sleep in tomorrow! Hello weekend :)
On the upside, my first pay came through last night so I went on a bit of a splurge after work. Picked up a gorgeous navy coat/jacket from Dotti (the fur hood is removable, so it's completely work appropriate) it's so snug and cozy, perfect for the sudden drop in temperature we've experienced lately. And when cute slippers go on sale ($6.87!) I can never resist :) The scarab beetle ring came as part of my latest ASOS order, I love it and my statement ring collection is beginning to grow nicely- currently coveting Paloma's Marrakesh Ring in gold *drools*
In other news, I'm being sent to Collie for work next week and I've never been. Anyone else been? Hopefully I don't have to work horrendous hours and can take a few snaps for show and tell.
I hope everyone is keeping nice and toasty warm. I know I will be snuggled under the doona for a good sleep in tomorrow! Hello weekend :)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Work, Wedges and the Weekend.
Well, I survived my first week of 'work'. I use the inverted commas since we didn't do any actual work, but spent the week doing training so I start doing client work next week. Hopefully I don't send any companies bankrupt by accident :P
Last night marked our first Friday Night Drinks and as per tradition, all the new Grads had to introduce themselves and tell an embarrassing story. Mine involved trying to get into my car with some friends and only realising after a few minutes, that it was in fact not my car...
After drinks I headed to my oldest friend's place where she was holding a Girls Night In. This included dinner, some amazing dessert, being wowed at her brother's friend's ability to be a gentleman and offer to collect dishes and rinse them before placing them in the dishwasher (I know, right!) and ended with us watching Angry Boys and giggling at various youtube videos.
On another note, I purchased some new shoes this morning while running errands and they combine two recent trends that I have yet to commit to: wedges and khaki. I guess they are more brown than green khaki, but I'm still claiming it. They are super comfy and the other thing I love about them was that they came with a 'SALE' sticker (50% off to be precise and the last in my size!) which is always a helpful backup when justifying footwear purchases :D
This weekend I have yet another 21st (two actually) plus my man's birthday on Sunday so I'm being kept on the run- it's a good thing those new shoes are comfy ;)
Pardon the lack of creativity re: the photos, but I was in a bit of a rush :[
Sunday, May 8, 2011
My Bikram Challenge and Mumma's Day
So my local Bikram Yoga studio turns 1 today, and to celebrate, yesterday they held a mini challenge- 4 classes in one day. And me being the crazy fool I am said "challenge accepted". Now It probably wasn't a great idea to have a week's break from bikram before doing the challenge but that just made it an even bigger feat to accomplish.
Class #1- 7:30 am. I still felt a little sore from the class I did the morning before, but even though the heat quickly limbered me up I still felt a bit uneazy and for half the class was thinking "what on earth have I gotten myself into, I'm going to die!"
Class#2- 9:30 am. The first class went over time so we only had around 15 minutes to have a quick break. I guzzled some Cocobella for electrolyte replacement before getting back into the yoga room. This class was barely different from the first in terms of the way I was feeling. I was still kicking myself for going through it, but tried to 'stay present' and just follow the dialogue. After class I was seriously thinking of just not going back for the afternoon session, went home and had a light lunch, quick shower, some more electrolytes and an 8 min nap...
Class #3- 2pm. Well, I forced myself to go back even if it would just be for the third class. I think the little bit of rest did me good, because the third class was amazing. I got through all the postures, worked hard and didn't feel faint at any time, it just felt like a regular class and it gave me lots of positive energy to get me back into the room for the last class.
Class #4- 4pm. I felt like I was going to vomit. For some reason the elation I experienced during the last cass didn't carry over to this one and I just didn't feel great, but I made the decision to stay in the room for the whole class, sitting out of a posture when I felt faint and holding back on some of the others. But I made it to the end, and I feel good for doing it. I was still alive and Mum applauded me when I came home :)
I then went out for a 21st that night. And wore heels. Bad move.
Today my hamstrings are killing me but I soldiered on and Mum and I indulged in a buffet lunch at the Joondalup Resort and Country Club for Mother's Day. We pretty much celebrate here each year because a) no cooking and cleaning involved and b) the food is always good (chocolate fountain anyone?)
I came down with a classic case of eyes-bigger-than-stomach syndrome and fell into a 90 min food coma when I got home (probably a good thing I did all that yoga the day before!)
Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there and I hope you all got to spend a lovely day with your families :)
On another note, I start my new job tomorrow! Just a tad excited mixed with a bundle of nerves haha.
On another note, I start my new job tomorrow! Just a tad excited mixed with a bundle of nerves haha.
Pics via iPhone
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Hubba Bubba and My Wonderful Wardrobe
I'm like one of those little children that gets sucked in by the goodies that stores display at the cash register (minus the screaming tantrum) so when I saw the Hubba Bubba tape while waiting to pay for my purchases I simply had to have it.
In other news, I ordered some clear shoe boxes from ebay the other week and they came in the mail today so I got a little excited and rearranged my wardrobe. The result: I think they make my closet look much more organised and less cluttered (with room for more clothes!) I'm currently thinking of how I can add in a second rail, maybe buy a portable clothes rack and cut it down to the height I need? I don't really want to go drilling into the walls...
The new storage:
Tidy! :)
The mess I had to clean up afterwards :|
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