Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Whelp, it's officially been over 8 weeks since my last post and since I've set my blog as my homepage my laziness just stares me in the face each time I start up Safari. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm still alive. But what has been happening that has been keeping me away from the keyboard? Embarrassingly, not a whole lot

I did go skydiving, it was AMAZING! We went over Jurien Bay which was super pretty, and I'm so glad that video of the 80-year-old woman almost falling out her harness went viral after I did my jump.. If you've ever thought about doing it, DO IT it's so peaceful and beautiful (when you get over the fact that you're plummeting towards the earth and hoping a bit of fabric does its job!) 

I also sat my exam for my 2nd CA unit (Tax, ew) and results come out on Friday, so we'll either be drinking to celebrate or drinking to drown our sorrows. Either way, I'm taking a break this trimester so I can just concentrate on work and hopefully not be too stressed out over busy season. MISSING: one work-life balance, please contact me if you find it! 

I'm taking part in the GCC (Global Corporate Challenge FYI) and basically, you make a team and are given each given a pedometer and aim to walk around the world. So far it has successfully highlighted how lazy I am at work. One of my teammates worked out that the team that is in the lead would have to be walking an average of 35,000 steps a day to get the number of steps that they have. I did a 9.8km walk yesterday and my step count was only at like 17,000. And I am short, which means I need more steps to get the same distance as regular people. So I'm not sure how they're doing this, unless they are super fit freaks of nature/aren't lazy like me. Hmm.

Our work ball is coming up, so that gives me a little something to get excited about.

And there's approximately 110 days until I jet off to Spain/Morocco/Portugal, so that's a bit exciting also. Must continue to remind myself to save, otherwise my 30kg baggage limit will be going to waste instead of hauling amazing shopping home with me.

I also read the Hunger Games trilogy. It sounded a bit more interesting than glittery vampires (sorry Twilight fans) so I made sure I actually read it before watching the movie. The first book I got through in under 2 days, it's one of those hard-to-put-down reads like the Da Vinci Code and I think the movie was a pretty good reflection of the book. The second one was a little "really, you're going to make them go through it again??" and the third, I just wasn't that into. But at least the ending was fitting and didn't just turn out to be a dream (I'm looking at you Vanilla Sky/every story I ever wrote for school and couldn't think of a good ending for..)

I also saw the Avengers. I've never really been a big fan of comic books, but after that I just felt like kidnapping Sheldon Cooper and forcing him to teach me everything he knows! (About superheroes/villains of course, science I didn't do past year 10). And if you haven't seen it yet; a) what's wrong with you? and b) make sure you stay and watch the end credits.

Aaaaaaaand yep. That's pretty much all I can think of right now. I considered doing another photo-a-day challenge, but considering my May one only lasted for about a week I thought I'd give this month's a miss and see if July comes up with anything interesting (honestly, I think some of the prompts are getting a bit repetitive).

Also trying to navigate this new fangled blogger layout. This is what happens when I go AWOL ugh!

Sorry for this 'brain dump' of my recent and not-so-recent activities. Hope your lives have been more lived than mine lately :)

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